Reitnouer B-Trains

Stock: B-Trains Category: Last Updated: 03/12/2025 08:01 PM

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If B-Trains are your tool of choice, Reitnouer has a combination that will work for you. Reitnouer B-Trains are available in lengths from 28 ft. to 32 ft., widths of 96 inches or 102 inches, and with five-, six-, seven- or eight-axle designs. All combinations come with a steel stinger on the lead trailer which adds high-strength steel to only the area it is needed, giving you the light weight and durability, you are looking for. Lift axles and steering axles are all readily available features as are a wide variety of Reitnouer options.
28 ft. to 32 ft.
96 inches or 102 inches
All combinations come with a steel stinger on the lead trailer which adds high-strength steel to only the area it is needed, giving you the light weight and durability, you are looking for.
Extended lifespan; improved load and/or fuel efficiency.
Backed by the best warranty in the trailer industry.


If B-Trains are your tool of choice, Reitnouer has a combination that will work for you. Reitnouer B-Trains are available in lengths from 28 ft. to 32 ft., widths of 96 inches or 102 inches, and with five-, six-, seven- or eight-axle designs. All combinations come with a steel stinger on the lead trailer which adds high-strength steel to only the area it is needed, giving you the light weight and durability, you are looking for. Lift axles and steering axles are all readily available features as are a wide variety of Reitnouer options.